Our music today

The Chant Cafe were asking choirs to add their music lists for the First Sunday in Advent onto the site, so here is ours. Everything from the 6/7th century through to the 21st century. Everything was sung unaccompanied with the exception of the final hymn.

Before Mass:  Rorate Caeli (Plainsong)

Introit: Ad te Levavi (Graduale Romanum)

Mass XVII (Plainsong)

Gradual: All who wait for you (Graduale Parvum)

Alleluia: (Graduale Parvum)

Credo III

Offertory proper : Unto you, O lord, have l lifted up my soul (Simple English Propers)

Offertory motet : Palestrina, Alma Redemptoris Mater

Communion Proper :  The Lord will shower his gift (Richard Rice, Choral Gradual)

Communion Motet: Anima Christi by Jeremy De Satge

Communion Hymn: Creator of the stars of the nights

Recessional hymn: Lo! he comes with clouds descending.


This is the first time we have tried the Gradual and the Alleluia from the Graduale Parvum. I thought the congregation sang them very well.

Happy new year everyone!