Fr James Bradley on music and the liturgy


Fr James Bradley is holding two sessions in Crawley on how sacred music can be revived in our sacred liturgy, a subject very close to my own heart. The first was last Thursday, the second this Thursday at 7pm, the evening begins with Mass at 6pm.  Fr James has written on his blog about the topics he covered in last week’s session.

Unfortunately l cannot go to either but one of our choir did go to the first session and came back enthused by the evening, although she did add that he everything he said we pretty much already do. (Phew!)

Here is Mary’s review:-

I thought you might be interested hearing about  a workshop I went to last Thursday at The Friary in Crawley, given by ordinariate priest Fr. James Bradley, entitled  ” A More Noble Form: Sacred Music for the Parish”.
The evening began with mass at 6 p.m. when about thirty of us sang it to the Missa Simplex.
Fr James then introduced himself to us and us to sacred music,  the value and importance of music in the mass and the wonderful gift music is in the life of the church.
He went on to explain that the ordinary and the propers of the mass could be sung to different chants such as the Missa Simplex by everyone; choir, congregation and children.  That the propers were all set out in the liturgy for every day of the year, which made it  easy to follow and could be downloaded from the internet.
We then discussed which hymns could be used for the offertory and communion if the propers weren’t sung, keeping to the theme of the day.
Fr. James’ enthusiasm is infectious and his idea that in singing this music we are indeed participating more deeply in the worship we offer to Almighty God.   I’m looking forward to this weeks session “Sacred Music and Sacred Liturgy” when I hope we might go into the chant in more detail and perhaps sing some as well.
If you can, do go and support Fr James. We need more sessions like this in our diocese. It always astounds me how many people have never heard of Propers and how many people think that congregations turn up at Sung Masses just to sing hymns. I also think it is interesting that those interested in Gregorian chant tend to be Latin Mass attendees. It belongs in both forms, really!!